Call for application Erasmus + student mobility Bratislava 2019/2010
Call for applications for students of the Faculty of Political Scences, University of Sarajevo (Bosnia & Herzegovina) to participate in the Erasmus+ student mobility program at Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovac Republic.
The call is open for applications from 07.11.2019. to 21.11.2019. for the summer semester of academic year 2019/2020, for which three scholarships are available. The deadline for submitting applications is 21 Novemeber at 15:00.
All BA and MA students from the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Sarajevo.
Application Procedure:
All applications are review by the Erasmus Selection Committee at the Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Sarajevo.
Required Application Documentation:
➢ Motivation Letter (max. 500 words) ➢ A transcript of academic records ➢ Latest CV
All rquired documents must be in English with the exeption of Transcript of Records which can be submitted in local language.
Please submit your application to prof. dr. Sanela Bašić i ass. Jasmin Hasanović