Informacijska sigurnost


Od akademske 2021/2022. godine Fakultet političkih nauka Univerziteta u Sarajevu, u parnerstvu sa kompanijom CyberGate, uvodi novi interdisciplinarni master program iz informacijske sigurnosti. Studijski program pri Odsjeku za sigurnosne i mirovne studije organizovan je na inovativan način sa najboljim omjerom teorijskog i praktičnog znanja, naučnoistraživačkog rada i vođenog istraživačkog učenja, te rada sa vrhunskim profesorima iz interdisciplinarnih oblasti i svjetskih stručnjaka iz prakse. Nastava i istraživanje se provodi uz podršku informacijskih stručnjaka i Instituta za društvena istraživanja Fakulteta političkih nauka Univerziteta u Sarajevu.

NAUČNO POLJE: Sigurnosne i mirovne studije

ORGANIZACIJA: 1 akademska godina, 2 semestra, 60 ECTS bodova (4+1)

JEZIK IZVOĐENJA: bosanski, hrvatski, srpski, engleski

KVALIFIKACIJA PO OKONČANJU: Magistar informacijske sigurnosti


  1. ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Lead Implementer (Information technology — Security techniques — Information security management systems — Requirements), ili
  2. ISO 22301:2019 Lead Implementer (Security and resilience — Business continuity management systems — Requirements)

* Partner studijskog programa koji provodi certifikaciju je kompanija ISO Manager Software uz podršku CyberGate

CIJENA: 3.000 KM / kompletan studija sa 2 semestra, odbranom master teze i profesionalnom certifikacijom po izboru.

Upis se vrši prema opštim propisima UNSA i prijava kandidata na Konkurs za upis u prvu godinu drugog ciklusa studija provodit će se isključivo u online režimu putem Informacionog sistema eUNSA ( (od 30. 08.) do kraja septembra.

Plan upisa studenata u prvu godinu drugog ciklusa studija na Univerzitetu u Sarajevu u studijskoj 2022/2023. godini:
  1. Da li studij mogu pohađati lica u radnom odnosu?

Studij informacijske sigurnosti osmišljen je i prilagođen studentima koji su u radnom odnosu.

  1.  Koji su termini održavanja nastave?

Nastava se organizuje tri puta sedmično od 17:00 do 20:00 sati na ZOOM platformi, uz sve materijale na FPN eNastava platformi.

  1.  Kakva je upisna procedura i koju dokumentaciju je potrebno dostaviti?

Prijava kandidata na Konkurs za upis provodit će se u online režimu putem Informacionog sistema eUNSA od 29. 08. do 30. 09. 2022.

  1.  Da li je za upis na studij potrebno predznanje iz polja informacionih tehnologija?

Nije pretpostavljeno znanje iz oblasti informacionih tehnologija.

  1. Koji su uslovi za upis master studija Informacijska sigurnost?

Studij mogu upisati svi sa završenih 4 godine (240 ECTS) ili master studijem (3+2) 300 ECTS.

  1.  Kome se obratiti za pomoć u slučaju dodatnih pitanja i informacija?

Svi zainteresovani kandidati svoje upite mogu proslijediti na e-mail




From the academic 2021/2022 The Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Sarajevo, in partnership with CyberGate, is introducing a new interdisciplinary master's program in information security. The study program at the Department of Security and Peace Studies is organized in an innovative way with the best ratio of theoretical and practical knowledge, research work and guided research learning with professors from interdisciplinary fields and practitioners from around the world. Teaching and research is conducted with the support of information experts and the Institute for Social Research, Faculty of Political Science, University of Sarajevo.

SCIENTIFIC FIELD: Security and Peace Studies

ORGANIZATION: 1 academic year, 2 semesters, 60 ECTS credits (4 + 1)

LANGUAGE OF PERFORMANCE: Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, English

QUALIFICATION AFTER COMPLETION: Master of Information Security


  1. A) ISO / IEC 27001: 2013 Lead Implementer (Information technology – Security techniques – Information security management systems – Requirements), or
  2. B) ISO 22301: 2019 Lead Implementer (Security and resilience – Business continuity management systems – Requirements)

* The partner of the study program that conducts the certification is the company ISO Manager Software with the support of CyberGate

PRICE: 3,000 KM (1.500 EUR) / complete study with 2 semesters, master's thesis defence and professional certification of your choice.

Enrolment is done according to the general regulations of University of Sarajevo and the application of candidates for the competition for enrolment in the first year of the second cycle of studies will be conducted exclusively online through the eUNSA Information System ( (from 30.08.) Until the end of September.

Student enrolment plan for the first year of the second cycle of studies at the University of Sarajevo in the study year 2022/2023 can be find here:


  1. Is it possible to study this the master program while working a job?

The study of information security is designed and adapted to students who are employed.

  1.  At what times are classes held?

Classes are organized three times a week from 17:00 to 20:00 on the ZOOM platform, along with all materials on the FPN eNastava platform.

  1. What is the enrollment procedure, and what documentation needs to be submitted?

Registration of candidates for enrollment will be done online via eUNSA Information System from August 29 to September 30, 2022.

  1. Is prior knowledge of information technology required for study enrollment?

Prior knowledge of information technology is not assumed.

  1.  What are the requirements for enrollment into this master program?

Anyone who has completed 4 years (240 ECTS) or master's degree (3+2) 300 ECTS can enroll.

  1.  Who to contact for help in case of additional questions?

Interested candidates can send their questions via email

IS studij 2022_brosura

IS studij 2022_brochure