U utorak, 7. 3. 2023. godine, studenti/ce II i III treće godine odsjeka Međunarodni odnosi i diplomatija Fakulteta političkih nauka u Sarajevu prisustvovali su predavanju francuske doministrice vanjskih poslova Laurence Boone (the Secretary of State for European affairs in the government of Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne) održanom u Olimpijskom muzeju. Studentima/cama su se također obratili i gradonačelnica Sarajeva Benjamina Karić, ambasadorica Francuske u Bosni i Hercegovini Christine Toudic, Edo Kanlić, Rasim Ibrahimagić i Harun Cero. Glavna tema predavanja i diskusije koja je uslijedila nakon predavanja bila je uloga mladih u EU integracijama. U pratnji studenata bili su prof. dr. Dino Abazović, prof. dr. Sead Turčalo, dekan Fakulteta političkih nauka i asst. Selma Alispahić.
On Tuesday, the 7th of March 2023, the second- and third-year students of the International Relations and Diplomacy Department at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Sarajevo attended the lecture by French Secretary of State for European affairs in the government of Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne, Ms. Laurence Boone which took place at the Olympic Museum. Benjamina Karić, the Mayor of Sarajevo, Christine Toudic, the Ambassador of France in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Edo Kanlić, Rasim Ibrahimagić i Harun Cero had also addressed the students. The main topic of the lecture and the discussion that followed was the role of young people in the EU integration. The students were accompanied by Professor Dino Abazović, Professor Sead Turčalo, the Dean of the Faculty of Political Sciences, and Teaching assistant Selma Alispahić.