- Institucionalizirati praksu medijacije (procesi reformi, facilitacija, konsultovanje);
- Organizirati seminare/workshopove/okrugle stolove/treninge, panel diskusije iz oblasti kao što su medijacijske vještine, konflikt menadžment i kultura političke komunikacije;
- Pokretanje online policy papers – gdje će se objavljivati analize najaktuelnijih tema iz zemlje i svijeta (medjunarone politike, globalne sigurnost, postkonfliktne reforme na lokanoj, nacionalnoj i nadnacionalnoj razini);
- Formiranje asocijacije Fulbright Alumnista iz BiH;
- Jačanje akadamske mobilnosti kroz naučno-istraživačke projekte koji će da osnažuju institucionalnu saradnju Fakuteta političkih nauka Univerziteta u Sarajevu, i kreiraju mrežu akademskih radnika i naučnika, sa institutima, istraživačkim-centrima, sličnim institucijama, koje promoviraju političko-društvenu humanističku misao (posebno u SAD, Kanadi i evropskih zemalja);
- Razvoj progresivanih i afirmativnih društvenih promjena i institucionalnih reformi u BiH, posebno u oblasti političke kulture međusobnog razumijevanja i partnerstva.
- Institutionalize the practice of mediation (reform processes, facilitation, consultation);
- Organize seminars/workshops / round tables/training, panel discussions in areas such as mediation skills, conflict management, and the culture of political communication;
- Launch of online policy papers – where analyzes of the most current topics from the country and the world will be published (international policies, global security, post-conflict reforms at the local, national, and supranational level);
- Establishment of the Fulbright Alumni Association from Bosnia and Herzegovina;
- Strengthening academic mobility through scientific research projects that will strengthen institutional cooperation of the Faculty of Political Science, University of Sarajevo, and create a network of academics and scientists, with institutes, research centers, similar institutions that promote political and social humanistic thought (especially in the US, Canada, and European countries);
- Development of progressive and affirmative social changes and institutional reforms in Bosnia and Herzegovina, especially in the field of the political culture of mutual understanding and partnership