
PoSIG is a highly integrated program and offers qualifications and competencies for all traditional careers in political science but has a special focus on the context of the Western Balkan and its integration in European structures. It is not a “collection” of existing modules or courses from the different partners to use them for a shared curriculum but the result of an inclusive and collaborative work on the definition of the academic identity of the curriculum. This shared understanding of the discipline was defined at the level of the curriculum and implemented in the definition of academic content and learning outcomes at the level of the five modules and more than 60(!) syllabi of courses.

Based on EQF level 7 the learning outcomes enable alumni for qualified jobs in different fields and levels of the political systems and international relations. Following a student-centred approach PoSIG-participants can decide about their qualification track, taking benefit from the fact that PoSIG is providing excellent education in all fields of political science and research.

Course programme

The key elements of this curriculum are as follows: