The academic year starts on October 1st and ends on September 30th, and it is organized in two semesters: the Winter and Summer semesters.

Semester and year verification and enrolment is mandatory for all students. For enrolment dates, please check the Student Affairs Office (Studentska služba) announcements. Working hours: Monday to Friday 10-12:30 AM, and 1:30-3:30 PM




Although you have been nominated and accepted through the mobility program (i.e. Erasmus + Programme) you are required to enrol to attend classes, research, take exams and manage your student obligations at the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Sarajevo. To enrol you need to purchase the required admission documents:

For further information regarding the enrolment procedure, including the instructions on collecting and preparing the admission documents,  or advice regarding your studies, please visit the Office for International Cooperation@Faculty of Political Sciences located in the Institute for Social Science Research at the Faculty of Political sciences (at  the Institute for Social Science Research) or contact Muamer Hirkić, the Coordinator of the Office for International Cooperation: muamer.hirkic@fpn.unsa.ba or  intl.coop@fpn.unsa.ba

Working hours: Monday to Friday from 8am -4pm


For additional academic and practical information for the international students please visit The International Relations Office of the University of Sarajevo website: https://international.unsa.ba/eng/