Erasmus Zoom Week

Dear partners,


In order to celebrate the Erasmus days (which is marked on 15-17 October, 2020 – International Relations Office at the University of Sarajevo has decided to organize “Erasmus+ ZOOM week”.


Each year in October, our office has organized International Training Staff Week and Scholarship fair, where in one week we would gather international staff members from partner institutions and local students and staff members to socialize, actively participate in communication, research and exchange information about potential collaboration. Considering that we are unable to have physical presence and host our dear friends from partner institutions across Europe, we have decided to use the advantages of the modern technology and organize Erasmus+ ZOOM meetings between our students and staff members and international partners for which our office has published the call for the mobility in Summer semester 2020/2021 (  


University of Sarajevo has currently opened 27+ calls for 27+ European partners for mobility in Summer semester (expecting more to open), with NOTE that all mobilities will be implemented ONLY if health and safe conditions are provided, as well as travel bans are lifted due to the current COVID19 pandemic in the world. The main idea is to organize ZOOM meetings where we would invite European partners to present their institution and study offer and engage in the viral communication and Q&A session via “breakout rooms” in ZOOM, while UNSA students and staff members will be able to enter the rooms and ask questions.


The planned agenda is to have 5 universities per day in the period of 12-16 October, 2020 for online events which will last 2 hours maximum, allowing interested students and staff members to interact and inform about opened and upcoming calls. Each day, from 12:00 until 14:00 (CET), ZOOM sessions will be opened with short introduction from the host, University of Sarajevo, and then interested candidates will be allowed to enter “breakout rooms” which will be named per European partner assigned for that day. Your task would be to organize and share short presentation and interactive Q&A session in 2 hours of your time. This way, each candidate will have correct and updated information, and you might help in increasing applications to your institution.


We hope you would be able to participate and contribute to this event. Please let us know as soon as possible and fill in the application form.


For additional information, we are on your disposal.


Thank you and stay safe.