U utorak, 13.12.2022. godine, na Fakultetu političkih nauka održano je drugo gostujuće predavanje u okviru predmeta Religija i međunarodni odnosi. Predavanje, nakon kojeg je uslijedila konstruktivna diskusija, održao je G. Benjamin Sturtewagen, šef diplomatskog ureda Kraljevine Belgije u Sarajevu. Zahvaljujemo se G. Sturtewagenu na posjeti i predavanju!
On Tuesday, the 13th of December 2022, the second guest lecture in the Religion in International Affairs course took place at the Faculty of Political Sciences. The lecture was delivered by Mr Benjamin Sturtewagen, the Head of the Diplomatic Office of Belgium in Sarajevo. We would like to thank Mr Sturtewagen for his visit and lecture!