WB2EU: Šesto izdanje Ideas go Public Lab-a u Berlinu

WB2EU: Šesto izdanje Ideas go Public Lab-a u Berlinu


U sklopu projekta WB2EU, u četvrtak i petak, 23-24. marta, održava se šesti po redu „Ideas go Public Lab“, ovog puta u Berlinu, Njemačka.

Konferencija se otvara ekspertskim panelom “Zeitenwende” for EU Enlargement Policy? A view on the Berlin process and the promotion of regional integration („Prekretnica“ za EU politiku proširenja? Pogled na Berlinski proces i promociju regionalnih integracija) na kojem će govoriti savjetnica Specijalnog predstavnika za Zapadni Balkan u Saveznom uredu za vanjske poslove gđa Valeska Esch i profesorica Fakulteta političkih nauka UNSA prof. dr. Nedžma Džananović.

Domaćin konferencije je berlinski Institut für Europäische Politik (IEP), jedan od partnera u projektu WB2EU. Konferencija se održava uz podršku Programa Erasmus Europske unije, Europske komisije, te njemačkog Saveznog ureda za vanjske poslove.

U nastavku možete pogledati i detaljan program.

PROGRAMME of the 6th Ideas go public Lab, Berlin

DAY 1 – March 23, 2023  

Venue: Europäisches Haus, Unter den Linden 78, 10117 Berlin

13:30-15:00: Expert Roundtable

“Zeitenwende” for EU Enlargement Policy? A view on the Berlin process and the promotion of regional integration

Welcome remarks:

  • Nora Hesse, Head of Political Team, European Commission in Germany


  • Valeska Esch, Personal Advisor to the Special Representative for the Countries of the Western Balkans, German Federal Foreign Office


  • Nedžma Džananović, Professor at University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Political Science, representative of WB2EU Network



  • Katrin Böttger, Director at Institut für Europäische Politik &

Vedran Džihić, Senior Researcher at Österreichisches Institut für Internationale Politik


16:00-17:30: WB2EU Ideas go public debate

Venue: Conference room

Towards a credible EU Enlargement Policy? What does the German “Zeitenwende” mean for the Western Balkans?

Welcome remarks:

  • Jörg Wojahn, Representative of the European Commission in Germany


  • Susanne Schütz, Director for South-Eastern Europe, Turkey, OSCE, Council of Europe, German Federal Foreign Office
  • Senada Šelo Šabić, Senior Scientific Associate, Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO), representative of WB2EU Network


  • Katrin Böttger, Director at Institut für Europäische Politik &
    Paul Schmidt, Secretary General, Österreichische Gesellschaft für Europapolitik


Participants: General public, journalists, civil society representatives. Discussion not under Chatham House rules.

DAY 2 – March 24, 2023

Venue: Institut für Europäische Politik, Bundesallee 23, 10717 Berlin 

09:45-11:45: WB2EU Network meeting at IEP (Hybrid meeting)

13:00-14:00: Virtual Meeting with MdBs Josip Juratovic (SPD) & Thomas Hacker (FDP) at IEP (Hybrid meeting)


Više informacija o samom projektu, dosad održanim konferencijama, te stručnim radovima objavljenim pod okriljem WB2EU mreže, možete naći na linku: https://www.wb2eu.eu/