Održano gostujuće predavanje “Decision-making at the United Nations – The Case for Multilateralism”

Održano gostujuće predavanje “Decision-making at the United Nations – The Case for Multilateralism”



With pleasure, we inform you that His Excellency the Ambassador of Germany to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Dr. Thomas Fitschen, delivered a guest lecture as part of the “Religion and International Relations” course on Tuesday, November 28, 2023, at the Faculty of Political Sciences. 🌐

The lecture, titled “Decision-making at the United Nations – The Case for Multilateralism”, was attended by third-year students of the BA program in International Relations and Diplomacy.

Following the lecture, a dynamic discussion and Q&A session took place, allowing students to ask questions and engage with the Ambassador on topics that particularly interested them. 🗣️

We want to express our gratitude to the German Embassy in Sarajevo and His Excellency for the valuable time he dedicated to us and for delivering an exceptionally inspiring lecture.



Sa zadovoljstvom vas obavještavamo da je Njegova Ekscelencija Ambasador Njemačke u Bosni i Hercegovini, Dr. Thomas Fitschen, održao gostujuće predavanje u okviru predmeta “Religija i međunarodni odnosi” u utorak, 28. novembra 2023. godine na Fakultetu političkih nauka. 🌐

Tema predavanja je bila “Decision-making at the United Nations – The Case for Multilateralism”, a predavanju su prisustvovali studenti treće godine BA studija Međunarodnih odnosa i diplomatije.

Nakon predavanja, uslijedila je dinamična diskusija i Q&A sesija, pružajući studentima priliku da postavljaju pitanja i razgovaraju sa Ambasadorom o temama koje su ih posebno zanimale. 🗣️

Želimo se zahvaliti Njemačka Ambasada Sarajevo i Njegovoj Ekscelenciji na dragocjenom vremenu koje nam je posvetio i na izuzetno inspirativnom predavanju.