Održano gostujuće predavanje “To be a diplomat”
📣 U utorak, 19.12.2023. godine, održano je gostujuće predavanje za studente treće godine BA studija Diplomatije i međunarodnih odnosa u okviru predmeta Religija i međunarodni odnosi na Fakultetu političkih nauka Univerziteta u Sarajevu.
🌐 Predavanje na temu “To be a diplomat“ je održao Njegova Ekselencija Benjamin Sturtewagen, šef Diplomatske misije Kraljevine Belgije. Nakon predavanja, uslijedila je Q&A sesija u kojoj su studenti aktivno učestvovali postavljajući pitanja.
🤝 Zahvaljujemo se Njegovoj Ekselenciji na posjeti, izdvojenom vremenu i dijeljenju njegovih dragocjenih iskustava s nama!
📣 On Tuesday, December 19, 2023, a guest lecture was held as part of the course Religion in International Relations at the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Sarajevo, for third-year students of the BA program in Diplomacy and International Relations.
🌐 The lecture titled “To be a diplomat” was delivered by His Excellency Benjamin Sturtewagen, Head of the Diplomatic Mission of the Kingdom of Belgium. Following the lecture, a Q&A session took place, where students actively participated by asking questions.
🤝 We express our gratitude to His Excellency for the visit, the time dedicated, and for sharing his valuable experiences with us!