Master's Degree in International Security StudiesThe deadline to apply is the 8th of March. Master’s Degree in International Security Studies (MISS) isjointly awarded by the University of Trento and the Sant’Anna Schoolof Advanced Studies, in Pisa. Since its establishment in 2016, we havetrained dozens of students for highly qualified careers ininternational organizations, governmental agencies, in diplomatic andinstitutional milieu, the non-governmental and humanitarian sectors,as analysts, consultants, security practitioners and professionals, aswell as for academic careers.The course structure has been designed being aware that security inthe contemporary world should be analysed through an inter- and multi-disciplinary approach: that is the reason why MISS students will findcourses that are characterized by an ongoing dialogue betweenPolitical Science, Law, Economics, History, Political Sociology,Political Geography, Political Philosophy. In this way, we aim tooffer a conceptualization of security that overcomes the traditionalstrategic/military approach.Our courses indeed premise on an extensive articulation of the conceptof security to encompass human security, societal security, economicand financial security, environmental and climate security, resourceand food security, cyber and digital security.Language skills as well as soft and transversal skills enrich thecourse of study over the 2 years.Teaching takes place entirely in English. Frontal lessons, languagecourses, and tutoring activities contribute to developing advancedEnglish language communication skills. Students will also acquire aworking knowledge of at least one additional foreign language.Moreover, twice a year we organize the so-called Applied Workshops onGlobal Affairs, that aim to bridge the theoretical knowledge acquiredin class and some practical experiences of innovative learning(simulations, debates, role play, moot courts, case-based seminars oncurrent political issues, policy incubators, challenge-based learninginitiatives). Furthermore, the second semester of the II year isentirely dedicated to international mobility experiences (for example,thesis research abroad) or internships and traineeships. MISSstudents can apply for a place on one of the numerous exchangeagreements and mobility programmes the School of International Studiesand the University of Trento have prestigious academicinstitutions all over the world. In addition, the School ofInternational Studies regularly invites international guests andorganises several initiatives such as winter and summer schools,vocational guidance, and meetings with former graduates.For the academic year 2024/25, admission to the MISS Program isrestricted to 30 places. 5 places are reserved to students from non-EUcountries.A new structure of the MISS programme is currently under ministerialreview and, in case of approval, will be implemented starting in the2024/25 academic year. According to the new MISS structure, studentswill spend the I year in Trento (at the School of InternationalStudies), while the II year is based in Pisa (at the Sant'Anna School
of Advanced Studies).