In accordance with the UNSA Study Rules (2018) the final paper is registered with the Student Affairs Office (Studentska Služba) through a unified form ZR1 (final paper’s topic submission form).

  1. Faculty/Academy/Center/Institute and Department/Char’s name,
  2. Student's name,
  3. Index number,
  4. Selected subject’s name,
  5. Subject’s explanation (a brief explanation of the topic)
  6. Preliminary literature,
  7. Time and place of registering, and
  8. Name and surname accompanied with the signed consent of the mentor(s).

In order to register the final paper’s subject, the following documents must be submitted to the Student Affairs Office (Studentska Služba):

  1. Three (3) copies of the final thesis topic registration form (form ZR1) signed by the mentor (Note: the subject and explanation of the topic as well as the basic literature should be done following the prior consultation with the mentor).

The ZR1 form is available under the link (under the section PRIJAVA TEME ZAVRŠNOG RADA MA Topic registration) :


  1. An electronic form – CD with the topic registration form saved in .docx format (Word), and
  2. Proof of payment (payment slip) in the amount of 100.00 KM

The payment slip contains information about the student (name, address, and phone number), the purpose of payment, the payment recipient (Sarajevo Canton), the account number of the recipient, the place and date, and the amount of the payment. Please follow instructions on filling out payment slip (below).







The following documents must be submitted to the student service:

  1. Request form for grading and defense of the final thesis (Form ZR3),
  2. The mentor's written consent that the paper fulfils the criteria stated in the topic explanation (Form ZR4),
  3. The student's declaration that their final paper is authentic (Form: AR – Declaration of paper's authenticity),
  4. Report from the student records service on the candidate's exams and ECTS points (can be obtained in the student service)
  5. 3 unbound copies of the final paper – working version



(submitted after the Faculty Council makes a decision to accept the report by the Committee for grading and defense of paper)

The following documents must be submitted to the student service:

  1. 5 bound final versions of the paper
  2. 2 CDs with the final version of the paper saved in .docx format (Word)
  3. Proof of payment (payment slip) in the amount of 200.00 KM;

The payment slip contains information about the student (name, address, and phone number), the purpose of payment, the payment recipient (Sarajevo Canton), the account number of the recipient, the place and date, and the amount of the payment.