Zbog pandemije Korona virusa (COVID 19) u Bosni i Hercegovini, ali i širom svijeta, Služba za međunarodnu saradnju Univerziteta u Sarajevu uz jednoglasnu podršku prodekana i koordinatora za međunarodnu saradnju (pod)organizacijskih jedinica Univerziteta u Sarajevu je donijelo odluku da obustavi i suspendira sve otvorene konkurse i nominacije odlaznih i dolaznih mobilnosti koje bi se implementirale u zimskom semestru akademske 2020/2021. godine.
Služba za međunarodnu saradnju Univerziteta u Sarajevu u saradnji sa prodekanima i koordinatorima članica Univerziteta u Sarajevu aktivno radi na promotivnim aktivnostima za konkurse koji su namijenjeni studentima, nastavnom i nenastavnom osoblju za mobilnost na raznim partnerskim univerzitetima širom Evrope ali i svijeta. Riječ je o programima kao što su Erasmus+, CEEPUS, Mevlana, Internacionalni Fond Visegrad, Best of SouthEast, DAAD, Fulbright te ostali domaći ili inostrani programi mobilnosti finansirani iz domaćih i inostranih vladinih institucija.
Standarne aktivnosti službe podrazumijeva organizovanje informativnih dana, radionica i sesija, online promocija preko web stranica i društvenih stranica, posjete potencijalnih kandidata uredima i organizovanje sastanaka i dr. Također, nakon promocije podrazumijeva se i aktivno učešće potencijalnih kandidata u pripremanju i skupljanju dokumenata, te obezbjeđivanju potrebnih potpisa od strane odgovornih ljudi (dekana i prodekana).
Zbog prisustva pandemije korona virusa, nametnutih opravdanih ograničenja kretanja u gradu i zemlji, te suspendovanja normalnog odvijanja nastave i aktivnosti na Univerzitetu u Sarajevu, i na kraju zbog očuvanja zdravlja studenata, nastavnog i nenastavnog osoblja Univerziteta u Sarajevu smatramo da nije moguće implementirati navedene aktivnosti i obezbijediti kompletiranje dokumentacije potrebne za prijavu na konkurse (a koje bi se dešavale u normalnim uslovima) bez izlazaka i kršenja niza pravila kriznih štabova. S tim u vezi, Univerzitet u Sarajevu smatra da je potrebno poštovati sva pravila koja doprinose očuvanju zdravlja i suspendovati trenutno otvorene i buduće konkursne procedure za mobilnosti u zimskom semestru akademske 2020/2021. godine. U ovom trenutku nije mudro promovisati programe mobilnosti koji podrazumijevaju boravak izvan Bosne i Hercegovine bez potpunog poznavanja da li postoje uslovi za održavanje nesmetane mobilnosti na partnerskim univerzitetima širom Evrope, a koje nam u ovom trenutku ni kolege sa partnerskih univerziteta ne mogu garantovati.
Ukoliko se uslovi života i samim time uslovi za nesmetanu mobilnost obezbijede do kraja akademske 2019/2020. godine (dakle do 30. septembra 2020. godine) Služba za međunarodnu saradnju će u dogovoru sa odgovornim prodekanima i koordinatorima razmotriti situaciju i prilike za organizovanje konkursa za ljetni semestar akademske 2020/2021. godine.
Napomena za otpočete i planirane mobilnosti u ljetnom semestru akademske 2019/2020. godine:
Hvala na razumijevanju!
Dear partners,
After a short and constructive online meeting with our vice-deans and coordinators for international relations, our Office has brought the painful Decision to suspend and stop all activities that are concerning publishing, selection, nomination and application of mobilities (student and staff) for the Winter (Autumn) semester 2020/2021 for both incoming and outgoing mobilities.
The reason for this is current state we are all facing with COVID19. In normal situation, this is the period where we would actively work on promotional activities for the calls aimed at students, teaching and non-teaching staff for mobility at various partner universities across Europe and around the world. Standard activities include organizing information days, workshops and sessions, online promotions through websites and social pages, visits of potential candidates to offices and organization of meetings, etc. Also, after promotion, potential candidates would need to do preparing and collecting documents, and providing required signatures by responsible people (deans and vice deans).
Due to the presence of a virus pandemic, all these activities are not possible without violating the imposed restrictions on movement in the city and country. In this regard, the University of Sarajevo considers that it is necessary to respect all rules that contribute to the preservation of health and suspend the currently open and future calls for mobility in the Winter (Autumn) semester of academic year 2020/2021. We also think that in this period it is not wise to promote mobility programs that involve traveling and staying outside of Bosnia and Herzegovina without fully knowing whether there are conditions for normal maintaining these mobilities at partner universities across Europe, which cannot be guaranteed by our partner university colleagues at this time.
If the living conditions and thus conditions for the mobility are provided by the end of the academic year 2019/2020 (by September 30, 2020) our Office in agreement with the responsible deans and coordinators, will consider the situation and the opportunities for organizing and opening the calls for the summer semester academic 2020/2021 academic year.
We do hope you understand our decision, therefore please cancel all nominations you have had for our university until we notify you about this possibility being opened again. We will not organize any calls and we will have no nominations for Winter semester of 2020/2021.
Regarding already started mobilities in the Summer semester 2019/2020, our students who are already there – we are in communication with them, they said they had followed all instructions given by you and your government. We are very happy to know they have your support in this situation. For students who were supposed to come, but didn’t due to this pandemic virus, please be in communication with them regarding their mobility. We have advised them to cancel and to be in communicate with you regarding any costs they have made prior to their arrival and possibilities of refund. We are also in communication with your students who are currently in Sarajevo. In this time, the moral support from our offices is crucial.
We do hope this will pass and normal life will continue. We also hope you understand our decision.
International Relation Office