WEBINAR: FIELD EDUCATION IN SOCIAL WORK UNDER CORONA CRISIS: Learning from Southeast European and North American Perspective(s)
DESCRIPTION: Corona crisis has tremendously impacted ‘normal’ functioning of all our social system, including (higher) education. Virtually overnight, schools and universities were asked to digitalize, distance learning became a new magic word, but the problem is that it does not always work. Unlike ‘hard’ sciences which exclusively engage in transmission of theoretical knowledge, in professional education, such as social work, field (practice) education has traditionally been a crucial part of social work training. Its task was to facilitate smooth integration of social work’s knowledge, skills, and values, and to mediate adaption of social work’s professional culture among future practitioners. Following Shulman’s conception of ‘signature pedagogy’, many social work scholars embraced the conception of field education as a ‘signature pedagogy’ for professional development in social work. However, the current crisis (and social responses to it) imposed drastic changes to both contexts of learning, to universities (schools of social work) and to institutions of professional practice. Causally, the space for meaningful integration of ‘theoretical’ and ‘practice’ knowledge as well as key professional values has been limited.
By bringing together leading academics in the field of social work from SEE and North America, the webinar Field Education in Social Work under Corona Crisis: Learning from Southeast European and North American Perspective(s) aims to explore: – models (role, achievements, and limitations) of integration of field education in pre-pandemic time, – changes brought by corona pandemic (e.g., the effects of the transition to online teaching at the universities and policies of restricted access and physical distancing in practice institution (centers for social work) and – new models of field education for (post)pandemic era.
Moderator: Prof. dr. Sanela Bašić (University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Political Sciences, Social Work Department)
Data and time: 19.02. 2020. 17:00 (CEST time)
ZOOM link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89553377647?pwd=bjQ4Qi9GSCtpeEZsWE5OTFJGODBXUT09