Student Mobility

BASILEUS project (Balkans Academic Scheme for the Internationalization of Learning in cooperation with EU universities) provides funding of academic mobility from the Western Balkans to the EU and vice versa. The partnership within the BASILEUS project consists of 9 EU universities and 10 universities from the Western Balkans: EU partner institutions:

  • Ghent University – consortium coordinating institution, Belgium
  • Lund University, Sweden
  • Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bulgaria
  • University of Deusto, Spain
  • University of Heidelberg, Germany
  • University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France
  • University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy

JoinEU-SEE is funded by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency of the European Commission (EACEA) in the framework of the Erasmus Mundus 2009-2013 programme, which is a worldwide cooperation and mobility programme in the field of higher education. It is designed for students and staff members from Western Balkan countries wanting to study at an EU University, and students and staff members from the EU member states wanting to study at a Western Balkan university.

In accordance with the objectives of the Erasmus Mundus Action 2 programme, the JoinEU-SEE mobility scheme strives to contribute to the achievement of better understanding and mutual enrichment between the European Union and third countries in the field of higher education and society at large. The JoinEU-SEE activities not only offer scholarship grantees the opportunity to expand their academic competences, their language skills as well as social and intercultural competences, thus improving their employability in an ever faster changing society. The work done in the context of the JoinEU-SEE project will also help to consolidate the academic as well as the political, cultural and economic co-operation between the EU and Western Balkan countries and within the Western Balkans.

JoinEU-SEE supports mobility at all levels of higher education, including both mobility for students (undergraduate, master, doctoral and post-doctoral) and for staff (academic and administrative).

Through the mobility and the resulting transfer of knowledge, qualifications and skills, the implementation of the Bologna Process reforms will be facilitated and beneficiaries as well as their institutions will profit from the mutual experience in academic, cultural and economic respects. This will contribute to capacity building in the higher education institutions as well as in the public and private sector through the inclusion of all target groups.

The alumni of the programme will contribute to a multiplier effect and enhance the links between the individual partner institutions and their countries. An established network of beneficiaries from this “JoinEU-SEE” network in the frame of the Erasmus Mundus Action 2 Strand 1 programme will see to the further enhancement of the individual student, researcher or teacher in order to improve not only their knowledge, qualifications and skills but also to strengthen the cooperation between WB countries and the EU and contribute to the development of the societies.

SIGMA is an Erasmus Mundus Action 2 project within the European Commission scholarship programme Erasmus Mundus Action 2, Strand 1, Lot 6, Western Balkans – part of a wider programme that aims at promoting institutional cooperation and mobility between the EU and other parts of the world. Over 250 fully funded scholarships are available. All fields included. Over 250 fully funded scholarships ae available  for students, researchers, academic and administrative staff from the Western Balkans to visit one of the EU partner universities and for students, researchers, academic and administrative staff from the EU partner universitiesto visit one of the partner universities in the Western Balkans.
ERASMUS–WESTERN BALKANS is a joint mobility programme offered by six Western Balkan universities and five EU universities. Students and members of the faculty will benefit from the opportunity to study, teach and research abroad, while the participating universities will raise teaching capacities, build research expertise and gain international visibility.

The emphasis of ERAWEB is on the health sciences. Research within ERAWEB is aimed at the factors which influence the population health and the development of possible interventions towards health improvement. The programme stimulates the development of the Western Balkan countries by raising academic skills of students, researchers and teachers.

The research projects within ERAWEB have a direct impact on population health.

A unique opportunity to study in the EU or Western Balkans from one to 36 months, ERAWEB provides scholarships for undergraduate, Master’s, doctorate and postdoctorate students, and also for academic staff. These scholarships include participation fees (where applicable), travel costs, a subsistence allowance, and insurance.

Target group 1: Students and staff of the universities from the European Union or the Western Balkans that are members of the partnership.

Target group 2: WB Nationals, taking into account citizenship, from the Western Balkans not registered at a university that is a member of the partnership, but meet the eligibility criteria.

Target group 3: WB Nationals, taking into account citizenship, from the Western Balkans who meet the eligibility criteria and belong to groups that are currently underrepresented in Western Balkan institutions for higher education, including refugees, internally displaced persons and Roma people.

EUROWEB is a scholarship programme for students on undergraduate, master, doctoral and post-doctoral level, as well as for university staff in academic or administrative positions, financed by the European Commission.

The EUROWEB Scholarship Programme is open to selected nationals in EU countries and Western Balkans who want to study or work at one of the partner institutions. For more details see Applicant information.

The overall objective of EUROWEB project is to create a partnership in research and education that will strengthen the ties between EU and Western Balkans.

Western Balkan partner istitutions
University of Novi Sad – joint coordinating institution, Serbia
South East European University Tetovo, (FYRO) Macedonia
Ss. Cyril and Methodius Skopje, (FYRO) Macedonia
University of Belgrade, Serbia
University of Kragujevac, Serbia
University of Montenegro, Montenegro
University of Prishtina, Kosovo (as defined by UNSCR1244/99)
University of Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina
University of Tirana, Albania
University St. Kliment Ohridski Bitola, (FYRO) MacedoniaPriority for exchange goes to Social Sciences, Engineering, Law, Medicine, Business/Management and Languages/Philology. Other fields of study are allowed as well.Students, teachers and administrative staff of all partner universities, both from the Western Balkans and EU countries can apply for scholarships.
Erasmus Mundus
Erasmus Mundus is a cooperation and mobility programme in the field of higher education that aims to enhance the quality of European higher education and to promote dialogue and understanding between people and cultures through cooperation with Third-Countries. In addition, it contributes to the development of human resources and the international cooperation capacity of Higher education institutions in Third Countries by increasing mobility between the European Union and these countries.

The Erasmus Mundus programme provides support to:

  • higher education institutions that wish to implement joint programmes at postgraduate level (Action 1) or to set-up inter-institutional cooperation partnerships between universities from Europe and targeted Third-Countries (Action 2);
  • individual students, researchers and university staff who wish to spend a study / research / teaching period in the context of one of the above mentioned joint programmes or cooperation partnerships (Action 1and Action 2);
  • any organisation active in the field of higher education that wishes to develop projects aimed at enhancing the attractiveness, profile, visibility and image of European higher education worldwide (Action 3).

Erasmus Mundus je program saradnje i mobilnosti na polju visokog obrazovanja kojem je cilj poboljšati kvalitetu visokog obrazovanja u Evropi i promovisati dijalog i razumijevanje između ljudi i kultura kroz saradnju s trećim zemljama. Isto tako, program doprinosi i razvoju ljudskih resursa i kapaciteta za međunarodnu saradnju institucija za visoko obrazovanje kroz povećanu mobilnost između Evropske unije i navedenih zemalja.

Erasmus Mundus 2009-2013. je program namijenjen:

  • Poboljšanju kvalitete visokog obrazovanja u Evropi,
  • Promovisanje Evropske unije kao centra izvrsnosti obrazovanja širom svijeta,
  • Promovisanje razumijevanja između kultura kroz saradnju s trećim zemljama, kao i za razvoj trećih zemalja na polju visokog obrazovanja.

Preko Erasmus Mundusa, naš Univerzitet učestvuje u projektima mobilnosti od 2008. godine. Do danas je sa našeg univerziteta više od 150 studenata, nastavnika i saradnika učestvovalo (ili još učestvuje) u akademskoj razmjeni u zemljama članicama Evropske unije.

Napomena: Postoji razlika između Erasmus Mundusa i Erasmusa.

Erasmus je interni program EU koji podržava saradnju i mobilnost između institucija visokog obrazovanja u Evropskoj uniji. Naša zemlja još ne može učestvovati u ovom programu, jer je za učešće u ovom projektu potrebno ispunjavati određene uslove. S toga je Evropska Komisija pokrenula program Erasmus Mundus.

Erasmus Mundus je program saradnje i mobilnosti na polju visokog obrazovanja kojem je cilj poboljšati kvalitetu visokog obrazovanja u Evropi i promovisati dijalog i razumijevanje između ljudi i kultura kroz saradnju s trećim zemljama, uključujući i Zapadni Balkan. Erasmus Mundus uključuje i prateće mu projekte (JoinEU-SEE, Basileus, EM2STEM, SIGMA, Eraweb, Euroweb). Početkom 2014. godine raspisan je posljednji konkurs za prijavu za grant u okviru Erasmus Mundus programa, tako da će studenti, ukoliko programi budu dobili grant, imati priliku da se prijave za ove stipendije i za akademsku 2015/2016. godinu.
Uskoro i kreće program Erasmus+. Naše učešće će biti malo ograničeno u odnosu na zemlje Evropske unije. Ali s vremenom, i o tome će biti riječi na našoj web stranici. Zasada je dovoljno pratiti Erasmus Mundus koji je još aktuelan za Bosnu i Hercegovinu i ostale zemlje Zapadnog Balkana.

Faculty of Political Sciences signed Erasmus+ Inter-Institutional Agreements with:
Comenius University
University of Hildesheim
University of Tartu
Vilnius University
Sciences Po
University of Turin
Paris Lodron University of Salzburg
University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice
St. Kliment Ohridski University in Sofia
University of Ljubljana
Catholic University of the West Angers
University of Oradea
Babeș-Bolyai University
Lund University
University of Trieste

(Joint) Degree Study Programs